Mixed Flower Roses Bouquet
Mixed Flower Roses Bouquet
Your Gift Contains
- A Medium Sized Mixed Rose Bouquet
This flower bouquet is one of the best gifts for your loved ones. This medium-sized mixed rose flower bouquet is all designed for you! Flowers represent friendship, love and hope. It’s time to send in some flowers and shower your love in different colors. Surprise your love with the mixed roses of every color and write to him/her what each flower means to you.
Care Instructions
- When your flowers reach, just cut the stems a little and keep them in clean water.
- Detach the leaves below the waterline.
- Make sure you do not remove all leaves along the stem length.
- Place the flowers in a cool environment and avoid keeping them in direct sunlight.
- Do not forget to refrigerate the cake immediately after you receive it.
- Keep it inside the fridge until cake cutting time.
- The cake is of the best quality and should be refrigerated after cutting as well.
- Do not keep the cake for more than 24 hours and therefore we suggest you consume it within 24 hours.
- Make your day special with our cakes and surprises.
- Order online and send cakes and gifts to your loved ones!
Free Delivery on $100 + Orders
Limited Orders only! Hurry Up.
Care Instructions
- When your flowers reach, just cut the stems a little and keep them in clean water.
- Detach the leaves below the waterline.
- Make sure you do not remove all leaves along the stem length.
- Place the flowers in a cool environment and avoid keeping them in direct sunlight.
- Do not forget to refrigerate the cake immediately after you receive it.
- Keep it inside the fridge until cake cutting time.
- The cake is of the best quality and should be refrigerated after cutting as well.
- Do not keep the cake for more than 24 hours and therefore we suggest you consume it within 24 hours.
- Make your day special with our cakes and surprises.
- Order online and send cakes and gifts to your loved ones!
Additional information
Weight | 250 g |
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